Aiyak | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


I just remembered that I have to go to the photo studio to take a digital photo to apply for some official stuff. I was supposed to apply for it in early October but I totally forgot about it. I'm rather forgetful nowadays, so what's new? The closing date is early December. One month gone already. It's fortunate that I even remember it in time.

I hate taking these kinda studio photos for MyKad, passport, driving licence and whatever legal documents. They look like photos on "Wanted" posters. It's stupid to look straight ahead, unsmiling, with ears sticking out.

Before I went to change my IC to MyKad, my friends told me that the staff there are very friendly, they let us check our photos and if we're satisfied then only proceed with processing of application. If we think it's ugly, then we can ask for another photo to be taken.

However, when I went, I asked to see if my photo was OK or not, but that lady clerk told me, "OK la, Ok la, cantik." She won't even let me have a look. Obviously I wasn't happy with the outcome when I saw the photo on the other counter that processes our application form. But it was too late already.

I was even thinking of not going to collect the MyKad when it was ready; let them fine me RM100, so that I can reapply, and with a new (and hopefully better) photo. hahaha childish thinking, no? So now I'm stuck with a stupid MyKad. I hope they will call for another compulsory change soon.

If you have been following my blog, you know how little sleep I have been getting for the past 5 months. You can look at the time of some of my posts, ungodly hours.... and I have to wake up latest by 8am daily. Damn dreams also not yet come. No more nightmares too. I'm so tired, I can sleep standing like chicken. Oh yeah, I also lost 5kg. AND I LOOK LIKE SHIT and don't have enough time to recover!

*Sigh* another ugly pix is in the making........*pout*


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