The "Me, Myself & I" Meme | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Thursday, October 19, 2006

The "Me, Myself & I" Meme

I've been tagged by _butt for this "Me, Myself & I" meme. This is a second tag from her. It's not easy, cos her blog doesn't allow copy & paste.

Anyway, it's finally done and here it is ;-)

Are you .........
1. A Cuddler?
Only if the cuddlee smells good.

2. A morning person?
Definitely not.

3. A perfectionist?
I've been told I am one.

4. An only child?
I wish.

5. Catholic?
Nope but I believe in and respect all the main religions.

6. In your pajamas?
Not at all. I don't even wear pajamas to bed.

7. Currently suffering from a broken heart?
I don't think so.

8. OK styling other people's hair?
Depends on if I've to use scissors or not.

9. Left-handed?

10. Addicted my MySpace?
Not at all.

11. Shy around the opposite gender?
Only if that person knows all alot about me.

12. Loud?
Yes when I'm angry, or when I laugh.

Do you:
12-and-a-half. Bite your nails?

13. Get paranoid at times?

14. Currently regret what you have said/done?
Don't think so.

15. Curse frequently when you get mad?
Have been cursing a lot recently.

16. Enjoy country music?
Not really.

17. Enjoy jazz music?
Oh yeah.

18. Enjoy smoothies?
Don't know where to buy this...

19. Enjoy talking on the phone?
Only when I have free time.

20. Have a lot to learn?
Definitely. Learning never ends.

21. Have a pet?
Yes, more than one.

22. Have a tendency to fall for the wrong person?

23. Have all your grandparents died?
All are dead.

24. Have at least one sibling?
More than one.

25. Have been told that you are smart?
Yes, by more than one person.

26. Have had a broken bone?
Nope, thankfully.

27. Have Caller I.D. on your phone?
On my mobile phone.

Have you:
28. Changed a diaper?

29. Changed a lot over the past year?
Both physically and mentally.

30. Had friends who have never seen your natural hair colour?
Edited: None of them.

31. Had surgery?
No, touch wood.

32. Killed anyone?
Yes, in my dream.

33. Had your hair cut within the last week?
How about within the last couple of years?

Last person who:
1. slept in bed beside you
I don't kiss and tell.

2. saw you cry.
My pet.

3. went to the movies with you.
My dad, to watch Mission Impossible 3.

4. you went to the mall with.
My dad. I practically go shopping every evening.

5. you went to dinner with.
A group of friends.

6. you talked on the phone.
My remisier.

7. said "I love you" to you and meant it.

8. broke your heart.

9. made you laugh.
Haven't really got a good laugh, small laughs got lah.

Would you rather:
1. Pierce your nose or tongue?

2. Be serious or be funny?
Both, but not at the same time.

3. Drink whole or skim milk?

4. Die in a fire or drown?

5. Spend time with your parents or enemies?

About you:
1. What time is it?

2 Name?
I'll pass this.

3. Nickname(s)?

4. Where were you born?
In a hospital.

5. When is your birth date?
Passing this too.

6. What do you want?

7. Where do you want to live?
Monte Carlo.

8. How many kids do you want?
Maybe none.

Who to tag?
Nobody. I'm a killer of tags and chain mail.


_butt said...

Thanks for doing the tag!! ^^

Reading your answer's a breeze.. LOL. so you like jazz, have more than one sibling, not catholic (buddhist?), dyed hair (long?), and I gathered you're close to your dad.. based on your previous posts too :)

Haha.. I sounded like a stalker now..

Hmm.. why Monte Carlo? *curious* Mind telling a bit? :D

Em said...

Hi _butt,

You're welcome =)

I like jazz after being introduced to it by a sax playing friend. I'm a Taoist/Buddhist, I do not dye my hair (I misunderstood the Q earlier, my answer is now edited), and I am close to my dad but I can't live by his weird set of rules.

Why Monte Carlo... I used to never miss the World Music Awards shown on TV. It's like a dream country for me. The whole place looks like a playground of the rich and famous and there's a certain prince there, before the scandal broke, that is LOL

rainbow angeles said...

Smoothies, you can get it at Baskin Robbins ;)

Em said...

hi angel,

Thanks for the information hehe

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