I Don't Need This Kinda Shit | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, October 21, 2006

I Don't Need This Kinda Shit

I've had numerous people ask me why don't I put my monkey to sleep. I think I have answered this same question for the past 5 - 6 years, although my monkey has been epileptic since nine months old and he's going to turn 12 years old in three weeks' time.

Do you think one should kill a person just because he can't walk? Can you kill a child just because he is epileptic? I don't think so. Why can't I apply this same logic on my monkey?

As recent as a month before my friend passed away, he said to me straight to the point, "Kill him." That did not warrant a response and I forgive him. But really, I don't need this kinda shit on top of everything else.

I know people mean well, they even pity me but how dare they say such things? I guess they will never understand me. They don't know what is important to me. Nobody will understand why I have devoted half my life to my monkeys. I may complain, I may curse, but nobody knows my real deep seated feelings.

Pet lovers always band together and I have found friends who are very understanding towards my predicament. Naturally, they also have pets of their own and these animals are not just pets, they are part of the family unit. And writing this piece I just realised that these friends have pets who live in the house, just like mine.

Does one eradicate another member of a unit just because he is the weakest link?

After so many years, I told myself to be prepared for the time my monkeys are no longer around, but after the recent bout of illnesses, when I thought their time is up it hurts so much, I am definitely not prepared to let them go at all.

Truth be told, dying is a natural process of living but the road to death is the one I fear.


_butt said...

Forgive me if I sounded rude here:

Maybe they don't understand, because they want the best for the monkey too? Like the saying in Chinese 'short pain is better than long pain'.. sometimes death may not always be an ending, however cruel it may seem to 'kill' them..

I know how it felt when my pet dog fell ill back then. I felt the pain for her literally, even helpless as there's nothing we could do but to watch her die..

But since you've decided to continue the journey, that's what matters.

You'll have my support, and not merely sympathy. Don't give up! :)

Em said...

Hello _butt,

Although I do not fully agree with euthanasia, it may be the only avenue in some critical cases.

In my monkey's case, I do not think that euthanasia is an option just because he is epileptic or can't walk. It was never an option 6 years ago and it still not is.

I pray that I do not have to make this painful decision some time down the line.

Thank you very much for your support. I really appreciate it.

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