"Temptation of Wolves" | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

"Temptation of Wolves"

*Temptation of Wolves*

We all know about the tragic storylines most Korean movies and dramas have but Korean movie, "Temptation of Wolves", is really something of a different realm to me.

Yes, again it's about students and it's supposed to be a triangle love story and it has a tragic end as well.

But this tragic story has a twist that is only revealed at the very end of the movie.

I don't fancy the opening fight scenes at the subway where there was fast paced camera play. If you've read my complains on Mission Impossible 3, you'd know I can't tolerate scenes like that. Prolonged exposure will even cause me to vomit and faint.

Anyway, once we got past that, the movie was quite a good watch, albeit its predictability.

Somehow, I can't recall if the girl chose her boyfriend BEFORE or AFTER knowing that the other guy is "off-limits" ... hhmm shall I watch a second time?

In one scene outside the airport, next to the runway, like typical Korean directors, this one panned the camera on the actress slow-mo and spun around and around 360 degrees dunno how many times, until I almost fainted as well.

I thought it was better if the guy hugged the girl la. Which guy will just stand aside and watch if his girlfriend was crying her eyes out like that?

And at the end of the movie when there was the scene of the tragic twist, there were lots of crying as well. I NEARLY cried too *sigh*

Again, the guy should have hugged the girl tightly lah aiyooo apalah....

This movie just cements the belief I have that life is a cruel twist of fate where we living beings are just actors acting out our respective roles in a script already well written before our birth.


_butt said...

Too busy to update lately?


Em said...

yeah lor. sorry, very busy :-(

_butt said...

ohh.. that's okie.. but rmb to come bck soon.. missed your post.. although didnt comment much.. *hehe*

have a great weekend!! :D

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