My Take On Mission Impossible 3 | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, May 19, 2006

My Take On Mission Impossible 3

Image courtesy of Paramount Pictures

I just returned home from watching Mission Impossible 3. I know, I know, it premiered two weeks ago, and I'm like ssssooooooooo sloooowwww... but better late than never.

My head is still pounding and ears ringing, with all the explosion, smashing, shooting and what-not from the speakers at full blast. I can never understand why cinemas need to have speakers and air-conditioners turned on to the max.

I am not someone who can tolerate loud noises or swinging motions at the best of times, and in Mission Impossible 3, the cameras were swinging too much and it nearly made me throw up.

Also, the lights from the party, the guns and explosions made me feel like I was blinking every second, but I know I wasn't.

I feel Mission Impossible 3 is more of a male movie, without much storyline but has the right dose of action, gadgetry, technology and a few leng luis to keep the average guy happy for the entire two hours.

It didn't do much for me..... ahdoi, action overdose laaaaaa. As for humour, only a few scenes managed to bring a chuckle out of me.

I don't care how many million dollors were spent on the production of this movie, but I didn't enjoy myself as much as I did with Seabiscuit, Shutter, Windstruck or Amelia. Foreign movies can be more enjoyable, thanks to subtitles.

Sometimes I feel that all the hoo-haa over a big budget movie does more harm to it than good, cos fans would expect more from the movie.

Tom Cruise looks tired here, but still as fit as ever. I remember him as a fresh faced up-and-coming actor in the poster I received free with my Number One magazine back in the late 1980s. I have to admit I haven't been a great fan of him, therefore didn't watch too many of his movies. I think I read more of him than watched him :)

Anyway, Mission Impossible 3 is not a movie that will stick in my head for a long time to come. Maybe only one or two months, that's it.

It is not a movie that I will wanna watch twice, unlike Fame or Grease, or Austin Powers or Kill Bill or even 13 Going On 30 (cos I like the soundtrack).

Was spending RM8 on the ticket worth it? EEerrrrr I think I can buy a VCD and watch it at home with the family just as well.


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