Life is Cheap? | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Life is Cheap?

Woke up this morning, opened the papers and got the news that one of our family friends, whom we lost touch with some years back, commited suicide.

Within these two years, this man is the third family friend who chose to end life this way. And one more who attempted suicide, unsuccessfully, thank God!

Suicide is definitely NOT the way out of life's hardship but I guess for someone who is walking along a dark tunnel, he won't believe that there is light at the end.

When my recently departed friend was suffering in the last stages of his life, he thought of ending it all as well, but he said he's too cowardly to do so. I told him taking one's life is COWARDLY.

Suicide is NOT bravery at all.

Having said this, I am neither condemning those who chose this ending. One will only know the real situation if one is in those shoes.

Some people wondered how I can give a loan to my friend, because giving a loan is akin to giving someone a fish, when I should have taught him how to fish.

I was afraid that in his desperateness, he decides to take his own life. Yes, there were cases where men killed themselves and some even killed their whole family due to financial difficulties. That is indeed very scary.

Life is cheap if we lose control over it. And which person wishes this to happen to her own friend?


_butt said...

God gave us one thing that nobody else could have. It's our life. So why waste it?

No matter how hard things seemed to be, there's always a way out, it's just whether we want it or not.

But of course, talk is cheap. And we bystanders don't need to sympathize either, help them out to seek whatever peace they need. I think it's very important to have that connection so they think suicide is not worth at all..


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