7-Day Work Week | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Monday, August 14, 2006

7-Day Work Week

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, all roll into one big 168-hour long day.

People always ask what I am so busy with. Why always no time for them? To be frank, I also don't know what I'm so busy with. The minutes just pass like that, I feel like I don't have enough time, always playing catch up with work, and always still so many things waiting to be done.

I KNOW I am always sticking my fingers into too many pies. Always don't know how to say "NO" when friends ask for help. And sometimes, I myself pandai-pandai offer to help. And then find that I can hardly accommodate these new tasks.

Ahhh I've been told, I'm a masochist. Do I really need to complete my work day-by-day and end up retiring for the day way past 3am, and then force myself up by 7am? What an animalistic life.

Can't work wait till tomorrow? Work never ends, do they? Or am I guilty of bad time management?

I need a holiday, but what's a holiday, anyway???


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