I'm "Sponge Bob Square Pants" | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, August 12, 2006

I'm "Sponge Bob Square Pants"

Did this quiz "What cartoon character are you?" on a hot Saturday afternoon.

And found that I'm Sponge Bob Square Pants.

SSSSoooo fugly.

I wanna be SNOOPY!!!

According to the quiz, the qualities of Sponge Bob Square Pants are:

You are the classic person that everyone loves.

Nah, more like everyone loves to HATE.

You are the best friend anyone could ever have and never want to lose

I am my own best friend.

You never cause harm to anyone.

I was the school bully, remember?

And nobody will ever understand you or your feelings.

How true!

You are usually used by others becasue of your good nature and loving qualities.


Those who do respect you do so in the most honest way.

Got people respect me ar?

Life is a journey, you always on an adventure

No lah, so sedentary.



and calm

so choppy

yet full of too many ups and downs for the most part.

Like rollercoaster only

Stay away from traitors and jealous people as they are the ones that bring you down... then you will be stress free.

Yep, I'm very stressed out :-/


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