All Guys Can Think Of Is How To Get Free "Meals" | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Thursday, August 10, 2006

All Guys Can Think Of Is How To Get Free "Meals"

Recently, Sven Goran Erikson asked for a break-up with his lived-in partner. And it's kinda sad that he can discard her just like that, and by living in Europe, he can get off the hook of paying compensation to her.

If they had lived in the US, she would be considered as his common-law wife and he would have to pay her some form of compensation, and in some American States, he has to give her half his assets too.

I was talking to my friend, a guy, who is an advocate of co-habitation, having lived in the West for years and he says if a trial marriage doesn't work out then both parties can easily part ways. No need for pre-nuptial agreement and whatever sort of contracts, either.

I think in Malaysia, we adopted British law and common-law wife is also not legally recognised. Anyone wanna correct me? Hhmm I don't know much about laws, but this was what I derived from the Ivan Allen case.

Isn't it always the woman who loses out?

Another male friend keeps asking me how much monthly household allowance he should give to his wife, and he said that no way is he going to give half his pay cheque. And in the event of a split, no way is he going to share his assests 50-50% too.

But the problem is not how much; the problem is, he doesn't even have a girlfriend now.

And how would I know how much, anyway. If I were the wife, I'd say, give me your entire pay package! :p

Yet another guy, who is a diamond bachelor, has stayed single, because he complains that women will siphone off household money for ownself. He make it sound as if that's a crime. BAH!

See, guys are so bad, all they can think of is how to get free "meals".


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