On Blogs and Blogging | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

On Blogs and Blogging

I don't know how some bloggers can post so many entries per day. In PPS, you can see their new content being ping-ed every other line. Oh my, I have trouble keeping this blog alive as it is. I TRY to post daily, but sometimes "ink cannot come out". Modern term: "keyboard is stuck". Or "brain juice dried up" hehehe

Besides, where do they find the time? 24 hours aren't enough for me. Or is my time management that bad? Gahhh

I also am a team member of another blog, and I'm so guilty for not pulling my weight over there. My last post there was on 27th June, 2006. GOSH! How time flies. Guilty ~ guilty ~ guilty ~

It amazes me to know that some blogs can get six-figure hit count per month. They have so many stalkers, I guess, that people will go to their blog even when there's no new content.

I know I do that to some of the blogs I stalk. I admit, I stalk three blogs religiously. I do not have an RSS reader (or whatever it's called) and no subscription to notify me of blog updates, so I just access these sites through my bookmark, and inevidently contribute to their hit count :-)

But then, some so-to-say elite bloggers, even if their entry is just ONE miserable three-lined paragraph, can get readers to leave some sort of comment. HHhhmmm is that hero-worshipping or what?


rainbow angeles said...

Okay, lady, tell me, wot do you want out of your blog? And, okay, I know u read comments here but why don't you answer 'em? U write very well but why don't u communicate with the readers? I'm just plain curious, that's all, and becos I read yr blog, (and very much entertained by it, TQ ;)) I hope u could 'talk' to 'me', more. *LOL* too much to ask eh? :P

*tries to poke Anonymous to talk*

Em said...

Hi angel,

OOwww painful maaa

Thanks for reading my blog & leaving comments. Much appreciated. Sorry to you and all the people who have commented here, that I haven't been replying to them PLUS I haven't yet leave reciprocal comments on most of their blogs as well although I STALK these blogs waiting for the right time to pounce hehehe

*sigh* guilty, man....

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