I Burnt the Pork For Dinner | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

I Burnt the Pork For Dinner

While I'm no Nigella Lawson, the Domestic Goddess, I can cook if and when the occasion calls for it, and unfortunately, it calls every single day.

However, tonight, to my own disappointment, I let my family down by burning the pork, so much so that the whole dish is spoilt and cannot even be consumed.

I read somewhere that it is bad for health to consume burnt food, so better throw away lor. Can you image how badly I f*cked up the dish that till now, the kitchen stinks of burnt metal? Ya, the wok is gone too :-/

NEVER in my life have I committed such a blunder before. Dunno why tonight my mind was so occupied that I forgot all about my cooking. Not really forget actually, but failed to manage four stoves at a time, like I normally do without any problem.


As punishment, tonight, I've got to go without supper.





Oh well, cry also no tears. *hick*

Anyway, here's what happened at the lady vet's clinic this morning:

Me: I wanna buy this (medicine). Three strips please.
General Worker goes into the office to get them. Comes out and tell me it's MYR12 (that means MYR4 per strip).
So I told her, the other day I bought at MYR3 each only.
General Worker: You better come in and talk to the doctor yourself.
So, in I went ........
Me: Doctor, that day I bought this from you at MYR3 per strip.
Lady Vet: Oh, that day I gave you SPECIAL PRICE.
Me: cursed under my breath *t!u*

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