How To Satisfy A Girl? | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Thursday, July 20, 2006

How To Satisfy A Girl?

Young friend: Can I ask you something?
Me: Sure, shoot.
Young friend: Boy-Girl stuff wor.
Me: Ask lah.
Young friend: How much do you know about girls?
Me: I am a girl, right? Of course I know all about girls.
Young friend: I want to know how to satisfy a girl sexually.
Me: ................ *speechless*
Young friend: Don't answer if you feel uncomfortable.
Me: That question ah, you need to ask guys lar.
Young friend: I thought girls should know what a girl wants. You dunno ar?
Me: I dunno.
Young friend: Ask guys, they also dunno lar.
Me: Guys know lar. Who ask you to ask virgins? *giggles*
Young friend: Do girls masturbate, like guys?
Me: ................*speechless*
Young friend: But that satisfies me only, not girl also =.="
Me: Girls who are too free with nothing to do will masturbate.
Young friend: Do YOU masturbate?
Me: I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. Damn dreams not yet come, I gotta wake up already. Sh!t also no time, where got time to masturbate like you?


pinolobu said...

those questions are among the most taboo things to ask a girl, but yet at the same time, it would be interesting to know the answers :-)

TikTsin said...

Seriously O_o" i kinda agree that itz 1 of the most taboo questions to ask a gal.

Interesting to know the answers? That's true also =P

Merv Kwok said...

Wahlao. Outright can ask if you masturbate? Guy somemore. Biangz

davors said...

that young guy seriously sexually harrassed you liao la...
what stupid questions were those!?

stupid fella...

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