How Superstitious Are You? | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

How Superstitious Are You?

Someone dear to me is being played by some power above.

In the West, most people, when purchasing a house, will have to select a piece of vacant land and then choose a home design and get the contractor to build that house, very unlike us here in Malaysia, where most of us only get to buy cookie-cutter type of houses, unless we're in the class of Tan Sri Dato' Seri (Dr) Yeoh Tiong Lay lah.

So we were all very excited when this dear person decided to buy a house, it's her first house and in a foreign land too.

And then the bomb came when her home was assigned an address. And her house number is..... 114. In Chinese, 114 can be translated into "die everyday". What bad omen is that?

Of course, in the West, they say "One fourteen" and not "Yat Yat Sei".

Being Chinese, and quite superstitious too, she didn't know whether to laugh or cry but she came to accept it. We reasoned to her that she can always sell it off, cos no one would be any the wiser, but she said she would keep the house, despite the number, because it's her first house and she had it designed totally according to her taste.

A few months later, her dream home was finally completed, and so she had all the utilities fixed up for the house, including getting a phone line.

And then a second bomb came.

The last three numbers of her home number are 953, which in Chinese means "forever not alive".

Oh my, if it were me, I'd have freaked out. What kind of sick joke is this?


Unknown said...

Relax... It's just some chinese believe. Choose to believe or not, there always these 2 options... Relax...

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