Tai Yee Loongs in the Biggest Game on Earth | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Tai Yee Loongs in the Biggest Game on Earth

Finally the 2006 FIFA World Cup has commenced. What was the hoo-haa all about? I also don't know.... well, I'd watch if the footballers were to play naked BUT .... =)

Since most guys I know will be busy with the games, that'll leave me with some peace for a month! Woohoo that's great. Otherwise, they like to kacau me, and I don't know how to tell them that I have no time to entertain them.

The ones who would be REALLY busy would be the tai yee loongs (loan sharks). The case mentioned by
Jason Mumbles is really mild, compared to what happened to my poor friend here.

Take a good look at this news report (left) which was published in The Star on 7th April, 2006. Click on the image to enlarge it.

This post is actually a community service message.

Hopefully, I can change the mind of any football punter who was thinking of taking out a "small" loan from the tai yee loongs to *gasp* bet on football games!!!

Lest you don't know, the loan from tai yee loongs may be small, but the snowballing interest is not a joke.

And these tai yee loongs will not be as bold if they do not have the protection from higher authorities. Action needs to be taken against them, but has there been any?

By the way, did you know that tai yee loongs are now known as "Financial CONsultants"? This tells us a lot about how they operate their business, right?

So, wise up.... there's no easy money, and even if one has the luck in making money by gambling, the profits never last.

Remember this!


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