New Game For My Lazy Brain | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, June 10, 2006

New Game For My Lazy Brain

My sister introduced me to the game called Sudoku. I have known about it for a long time but have never played it before cos I heard that it could be very addictive. Even YB Dato' Seri Rafidah Aziz confessed her addiction to it. That was why I dared not play risk it.

My sis thinks I'd be good in this game. According to her, I'm good with numbers. Wahaha what a joke, me good? Me who flunked my SPM Additional Math?!? Seems like she doesn't know me well.

I have this lazy brain that I hate to exert. Whenever I need to use it, I'll get all stressed out and end up vomiting and get gastric pangs.

Anyway, I've tried playing Sudoku from
HERE and in the first game, I had two more lines to solve but too lazy to backtrack. I won my 2nd and 3rd games.

Yoohoo... beginner's luck? It's getting addictive =)

Playing Sudoku online is so much easier than the conventional paper, pencil and eraser. At least with an online game, one need not make as much corrections.

I used to play Bejeweled2 alot. It may look like a nobrainer type of game, but it actually takes a bit of brain juice to score.

It beats the lame MS Game of Solitaire anytime, which is only played when the internet is dead.


CS LEE said...

"kakuro" is another type of number game involving numbers, kakuro is harder compare to sudoku. try it, you might like it..

i am loving it..

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