I'm Not Moody, Just MOODLESS | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, June 09, 2006

I'm Not Moody, Just MOODLESS

I'm moodless lately. Yep, that's right, not moody but moodless, absolutely zombified. Moody still has a mood, the mood is, well, MOODY, but moodless means no mood at all.

Don't want to do anything except to lie in bed. Don't want to blog, have nothing to blog on.

It's all because my pet monkey is sick. It all started with wounds on both his elbows. Don't ask me how his elbows can be injured but somehow, capillaries there burst and accumulated quite a sac of liquid in his elbows. And the sacs got bigger and bigger until they burst.

So there was blood everywhere and I had to follow him around to wipe so that the carpet won't be bloodied. He wouldn't let me bandage his elbows.

If that wasn't enough, he caught the flu bug and had fever, runny nose and cough. Have you seen an animal coughing out phlegm? This is the first for me too. Eeewww

And as if having pain in both arms still wasn't enough, he had to fall down the steps and hurt his leg. Due to his massive weight, he can hardly walk, not even going for pee or poo.

He passed me the flu virus and I ran a fever for two days.

Plus he keeps whimpering at night due to the pain and naturally, all these have KILLED my mood.

So now I'm totally MOODLESS.


_butt said...

You have a pet monkey? Really??

Em said...

One fat, one slim =)

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