My Lovely Sam Soon ~ My 1st K-Drama | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Sunday, May 07, 2006

My Lovely Sam Soon ~ My 1st K-Drama

As the title of this blog entry goes, My Lovely Sam Soon a.k.a. My Name is Kim Sam Soon is my first K-drama, thanks to cHinKy's mOviE sPoiLer.

I KNOW, our free TV has been showing K-dramas for years, but I don't have a TV at home, and this isn't even my own house, so BLEHHHH!

I have watched a few Korean movies before, but this is the first time I'm watching a drama. Yeah lor, I didn't even watch Winter Sonata... (ok, so this is the only K-drama title I can come up with off hand hahaha)

There are 16 hour-long (well, almost 60 minutes lah) episodes in My Lovely Sam Soon.

It's quite weird, you know... dunno why they keep making fun of Kim Sam Soon's age. Maybe in Korean culture, being 30 AND single is tragic...? Kenot meh?

The name Sam Soon is supposedly very uncommon. Well, I think, most Korean names have B & H & J & Y... and hardly S, and in her case, a DOUBLE S! And that's supposed to be funny, too.

And so, she insists on being called Kim Hee Jin (aaahh... didn't I tell you about the Hs & Js?)

Another weird thing is, in this drama, the guy's three years younger (27) than Sam Soon, but the actor looks WAY younger and Sam Soon looks.... well, not exactly young or old, but just older lah, so it's hard for these two to gel as a couple convincingly (in my mind lah).

It's difficult for me to believe in a romance between a younger man & an older woman. Maybe it's just my "heong har" narrow-mindedness where the man's supposed to be older (even if it's only by days) in a relationship?

Anyway, this drama is quite enjoyable (I have only watched until episode 3 mah). Sam Soon is so goofy and imagines & dreams lots of stuff, just like me! But she's clumsy and thankfully, I'm not!


K-drama has even invaded American homes
Kim Sun Ah (Kim Sam Soon) looks a lil like the former HVD actress, Cheryl Lim Chiew Yin


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