Just because of the word CRAP ....... | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Monday, May 08, 2006

Just because of the word CRAP .......

... the editor (?) / moderator (?) of a blog directory rejected my application for my blog to be listed in that directory.

I don't have a screenshot of that rejection notification. I get so many fan mail e-mail a day that I trash all that's irrevelant or carry not-so-good news hahaha

Anyway, the reason for rejection was:


HHummpphh I guess my blog wasn't even reviewed past the blog name.

BAH.... Lemme tell you, my blog is not only full of crap, but also has pee and maybe saliva or maybe even puke or whatever bodily juices :p

However, being good ol' me, I'll still place the directory's small tag on my blog cos I'm lazy to edit my template lahhh. Plus, I think these tags are sibeh cun. Make good decoration for my blog kekeke.

Besides, I've got a big heart :p

So there ....


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