Beat This ~ a Chinese New Year Card in May! | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Beat This ~ a Chinese New Year Card in May!

This has got to be one of those record setting moments. I received a Chinese New Year card in the post this morning. Woo Hooo!

Chinese New Year 2006 was like a hundred days ago! Oh my, I guess this nearly beat the historically once-a-century second of 010203040506.

Lest you thought that it was sent in January, 2006 and took this loooooong to arrive, I should mention that this card was sent from China on 25th April, 2006. Don't blame the postal department larrr.

What was the sender thinking ... I also dunno ... I mean Chinese New Year 2007 is gonna be here soon!

But the card says: Wish You Good Health, Peace and Happiness in 2006

There's still 7 months & 3 weeks left in 2006 hehehe and there's a saying that goes "It's better late than never".

So I guess, it's never a wrong time to receive well wishes like this, ya?

P/S: I spent 010203040506 playing with my pet monkeys. Isn't that special enough?


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