Let's Rubberise Our Toilet/Bathroom Floor | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Let's Rubberise Our Toilet/Bathroom Floor

I received news that a friend's father passed away this morning. It was sudden. Despite his age (74 years old), he was relatively healthy. Unfortunately, he slipped in the bathroom, knocked his head and breathed his last.

We're all saddened by the news and in shock.

This is NOT the first time I hear of people, especially the elderly, slipping in the toilet/bathroom and die this way.

Years ago, I know of a lady who was only 30-something, in the prime of her life, who also slipped in the bathroom but she did not die instantly. Instead, she was in a coma for a loooooong time before succumbing to her injuries.

IF ONLY we have rubber matting on toilet/bathroom floors in our homes and in public restrooms ..........


earl-ku said...

Actually - i think with a less-cluttered bathroom is the answer, reduce the pvc-pipe length, less pails, place the stool back, keep everything back at their original place and i think that can seriously reduce the chances of slipping in the bath room... and yeah wash off all soap before leaving ...

Em said...

Hello earl_ku,

Thank you for your comment and suggestion.

For the toilet/bathrooms in my home, there's nothing on the floor. We only have the toilet bowl and the water tub. That's all.

I guess you are right that usually, bathrooms are too cluttered with pails, low-stool, etc.

In Malaysia, there is a greater risk of slipping due to wet flooring, whereas in the West, bathrooms are dry.

Also, I think it is a good idea to install a rail along the wall, waist high. Plus the rail must not be the smooth or slippery type like stainless steel, etc.

Maybe a wooden one will be better.

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