Me and My Stupid Habit :-/ | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Me and My Stupid Habit :-/

I've got this stupid (good or bad?) habit of offering my help to all and sundry.... and sometimes it's not appreciated. "Hello, you think I don't know how to do arrr?"

And if my offer for help is accepted, sometimes I wonder where I can find the time to help and I tell myself, "Aiyak, no time lah!" and end up sacrificing sleep just to complete the task. I'm already only getting 5.5 hours of sleep a night now, as it is :-/

But I do like to offer my help, whether it's wanted or not, because it takes nothing much to lend a helping hand. It's up to the other party to accept or not and I can only hope that my offer is not misunderstood as something else, with hidden meaning, and take offence that I think the person is incapable of doing something on his own.

I wish I'm in a better position to help, and to help more and more people too, and it doesn't cause me much to touch lives once in a while. So, yeahhhhh


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