Entrecard Review | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Entrecard Review

When I came across this Entrecard contest, I just have to participate.

I registered with Entrecard when it was just launched and I added a few of my blogs to the system. Although it is a great service, I admit that I am not actively using it to promote my blogs anymore because of time constraints. I do, however, appreciate the fact that Entrecard allows me to promote my blog on highly popular blogs, bringing traffic to my own blog, without paying a cent.

I remember, in the early days, I was lucky enough to advertise on John Chow's blog. Advertising on the Dot Com Mogul's blog would have cost thousands normally, and I believe he wouldn't have accepted my advertisement if not for Entrecard. To cut the story short, I received a few thousand visitors that day, all for free. Although John Chow is no longer using Entrecard, there are still plenty of high quality, high traffic site in the system that could provide the same level of exposure to other less prominent blogs.

Although I am no longer actively participating in Entrecard, I still log in to my account daily to have a look at the droppers and return the favor. If I have more time, I would check out other blogs that are in the same category as mine to visit and also to drop my Entrecard. It's, as I mentioned, a great way to give and receive traffic. The only problem is that it's time consuming visiting blogs one by one.


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