Weekly Beer Binge | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, April 30, 2010

Weekly Beer Binge

I have two friends who would go clubbing every Friday night. They have been doing it for years though previously, they go clubbing three times a week! Recently, one of them suffered a minor heart attack and has to stop this habit for the time being. I told him that it is a good time to stop entirely. Beer binging is actually more harmful!

Meanwhile, the other friend is continuing with his ways but I told him that since he is going alone, he should just take a cab. He is a way more heavy drinker and has already been involved in two accidents so far because he falls asleep at the wheel when he is drunk. I advised him to be more careful since there is no good Massachusetts Drunk Driving Lawyer here.

He took up my suggestion and is now taking a cab. He said that one two occasions, he fell asleep in the cab on the way home and the cab driver just drove him around town allowing the meter to run! He told me that's "daylight" robbery and is thinking of driving himself again.

Although he is my friend, I think that he is irresponsible to drive knowing that he will be drunk. I just hope that it wouldn’t take a serious problem to wake him up.

*** This post has been sponsored.


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