Cryotherapy | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, April 16, 2010


My uncle, who is currently suffering from chronic back ache and recently underwent an operation, is on cryotheraphy, which is what we know as cold therapy. The device helps to desensitize the area and bring down swelling.

His wife, my aunt, is a nurse and she said that he must not use apply the cold therapy device by himself as it would cause injuries to his nerves it is was not done properly. According to my aunt, some patients who underwent surgery had their ailments cured but created even more problems when they used the cryotheraphy devices wrongly. perhaps it was too cold or used for too long.

People here are not very used to fighting for their rights but it is not uncommon to read about patients in the West filing Cold Therapy Lawsuit because of the new injuries suffered from using cold therapy devices without sufficient instructions.


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