Can't Shake Off My Cough! | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, April 16, 2010

Can't Shake Off My Cough!

I have been back in Ipoh since 31st March but I have been suffering from a nasty cough since 24th March. I remember because I went down to KL on the 23rd and promptly fell ill the day after.

Let's see, it has been more than three weeks now but I still can't shake off the cough. Other than this cough, I feel fine. Of course, my cough isn't as bad as it was a week or so ago but it is still there and I sometimes get a long bout of cough that even I get irritated with!

Anyway, I have only seen the doctor once who prescribed five days of medication which i diligently followed through. If I am still coughing next week, perhaps I should follow up with the doctor but I do hate to think of the money I am wasting for just a "small" ailment.


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