Dog Catching Competition Update | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Dog Catching Competition Update

I received an SMS alert from my friend via The Star regarding the incredulous Dog Catching Competition. I went to The Star Online just now for the news article but could find it. Or perhaps I am not spending enough time searching. By the way, where is the Search Bar??

Anyway, the good news is that the Dog Catching Competition mooted by the Selayang Municipal Council is scrapped! YAY! The Council is now going to work with the SPCA instead to catch stray dogs. I am so glad that the powers that be finally realised what a stupid idea this has been from the very beginning. And I believe that the more noise the public makes, the louder our united voice is being heard.

This was also the case with the Malaysian monkeys. I wrote two articles for each of these issues and I know that I managed to reach out to a few more people through them. I am glad that my efforts in creating awareness of the plight of the monkeys and dogs were not in vain.

Come to think of it, why aren't stray cats caught? Perhaps they don't bite? It would be a good idea to neuter them as well.


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