Refreshing Scent | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Refreshing Scent

Some of you may know that I travel to the capital city once a month. When I am there, I use a friend's condo, which she has kept empty for the past 3.5 years. Every time I am there, I am overwhelmed by the musky smell, and I have to open all the windows to air the unit. I can't air it as much or as long as I love to because I have to close all the windows whenever I go out in case it rains.

It has been two months since I last went there and I can just imagine the smell that I have to deal with. My sister told me about the Scentsy Bars that she recently received for her birthday. It looked like this photo that I am enclosing. Scented bars by Scentsy not only refresh the air, different scents are supposed to have different effects on the occupants of the room too, much like aromatherapy.

I prefer scented bars over aromatherapy because it is more convenient, even though both are similar. I could just break a small cube of a scented bar and put it in a warmer. The fragrance is smoothing and long lasting. Best of all, it's very economical. Now, I have to decide what fragrance to buy to take along for my next trip to the condo. Scentsy bars come in so many cheery colors!

*** This post has been sponsored.


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