Digital SLR Camera | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, July 01, 2011

Digital SLR Camera

I've been using two cameras, one is a light compact digital camera while the other is a larger compact digital camera. I think I have outgrown them already since both cameras have failed to shoot what I need when I need. Yup, I definitely need a new camera. A professional camera.

My friend told me that the only brands I should look at are Nikon and Canon. My friend just bought a Nikon D3100 himself at RM1900 body only. On the other hand, another friend owns a Canon D60. I didn't ask him how much he paid for it but I am dying to test out.

Or maybe, as a first time DSLR user, I should just borrow a friend's one to learn how to handle it before buying my own? As you know, technology moves so fast, it is not viable to buy. LOL


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