Low Fat, Low Sugar Natural Yoghurt | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, September 17, 2010

Low Fat, Low Sugar Natural Yoghurt

I have been taking a lot of such yoghurt for the past 2.5 months. Although I did take yoghurt previously for the past two years or so, I have always selected those with fruit prices or some sort of flavour or another.

This past 2.5 months, though, i found out that I actually shouldn't take sweetened yoghurt but in its natural form. Boy, the sourness is really something not easy to take. However, I decided to "swallow" it for health reasons and soon, have adapted to the quirky taste and found that it's not so bad after all. But then again, different brands taste differently too so I tend to stick to one brand name only.

Although taking yoghurt is supposed to be healthy, I am quite scared because most of them use plastic containers. And plastic is the evil that wrecks havoc to our health. It's one of the man-made materials that causes cancer.

As you can see, taking yoghurt that's in plastic cups, is like taking the good and the bad. Which one will overcome the other?


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