Why Are Some People So Hateful? | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Why Are Some People So Hateful?

I have a friend whom I am not exceptionally close with though I do keep in touch with him occasionally by text, online chat and even meet up about once or twice a year. And I found out that I don't like him at all.

Like I said in an earlier post that I am looking for a used desktop computer monitor so as to save some money on the new computer that I am planning to buy soon. So I asked this friend since he is someone who builds his own computer and may have some spare parts.

And you know what he replied? He said, "I do" and the next line he said something like, "but I donated it two weeks ago" so this basically means that he DOESN'T have it. Then why say that he has it in the first place. I don't care if he has donated it or sold it or if it broke down or if he is still using it. The fact is that he doesn't have a spare monitor at the present time so why can't he just say so?

And then there is another friend, who knows beforehand that I would be buying a Nokia E72 for my dad for his birthday. After I bought it, he asked me if I had bought it and I said I had. he asked me how much I bought it for and I replied, RM1099 and he said, "Aiya, I could have bought it cheaper."

Why the hell didn't he say so in the first place so that I wouldn't have to pay RM1099 for it? Why must he tell me after the fact? What is the point he tried to prove and why even tell me? I was very pissed off, of course, and he said that he doesn't understand why I was angry. Of course I was, anyone would!


AK said...

Take it as if he donated the computer to the orphanage or the computer is near its life? For the E72, take it as if he is planning to get for you an AP set for a cheaper price. You got yours for RM1099? so i assume for that price is Avaxx/Zitron(authorize) set. If the deal doesn't sound right, whats the point of having it? Just my opinion.

Em said...

LOL... your thinking is very logical! Thanks for putting things in perspective for me. Yes, RM1099 is an original Navi set.

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