Everything Settled | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Monday, July 26, 2010

Everything Settled

Finally, after less than two days, my aunt is laid to rest this morning. Her body is laid to rest at the Roman Catholic cemetery where my grandmother, her mother is. It's a pity they are not side by side but on two ends of different rows.

Her son is heartbroken but what can we do but try our best to cope with the loss in whatever individual way we can? We try to blank out the sadness, the grief, and think of happier times. Death is a part of life and painful as it is, it should be a time to celebrate life, the life of the deceased.

Although none of my immediate family members are Roman Catholics, we joined the prayer groups that came to offer three rounds of prayers for the dearly departed. The hymns are very touching and brought tears to our eyes.

One thing though, it's heartening that the church members were all very helpful and treated us all "non-believers" very well, like family. In this time of sadness, we are comforted that everything went smoothly.


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