Heavy Weight | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Monday, June 07, 2010

Heavy Weight

I told my friend that just thinking of the amount of things that I have to carry in my bag spoils the mood I have for the upcoming holiday to Johor and Singapore and then Kuala Lumpur next week.

I am thinking of getting a skycab, the kind of luggage bag that has wheels. My friend suggested that I get something of good quality right from the beginning. If I were to travel by air, I can bet the luggage handling crew to manhandle my bag so it is money that I cannot save.

My friend has a Samsonite but gosh, it is so expensive, how could I afford it? Besides, the bag alone, without even putting anything inside yet, is very heavy due to the material so it will be quite tough for me to handle too, since I take public transport when I am on the move.

I wonder if there is anything that would catch my fancy when I am in Singapore during the Great Singapore Sale.


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