I'm Relieved (Just A Little) | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

I'm Relieved (Just A Little)

You know, for the past week, I have been so worried. My sister, who hasn’t been feeling too well since 2006, told me that her doctor was concerned with her "low white blood cell count".

I asked her how low is her low but she said that her doctor did not disclose but referred her to another doctor. We were afraid that it would be something terminal. It's really odd that since 2006, her doctors have not been able to pinpoint the problem and provide her with a solution.

Today, my sister went to see this new doctor, who told her that he is not concerned with her low white blood cell count, which is 300 lower than the lowest normal count. This eased my mind. However, the problem is that my sister still doesn't feel too well despite a good blood report, besides her low white blood cell count.

The doctor scheduled a cat scan for her internal organs and again, another blood test. I pray that all will be fine with her.


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