Time Flies | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Time Flies

I was surprised when a friend told me that he has known me for six years already. SIX years... that's a pretty long time. I seemed to have suffered from a time lapse so I asked a few people how long we have known each other.

One guy told me that he met me before 9/11. That unfortunate incident happened in 2001. I still remember the horror of waiting for news of my old school friend who went incommunicado for awhile but later reported that she is OK. This friend, I was particularly close to her when we were in school because we met in kindergarten and shared the same name too. So that makes seven plus years knowing this male friend, if it was really before 9/11.

And then there were some other friends, where I spent a little time last night checking up on some old email just to see how long we have known each other already. These are not my school friends, OK, so they are from various age groups.

Two of my friends died of cancer, one of them was a close friend, and now, I have news that another close friend has 3rd stage cancer. It breaks my heart, and his bad news made me wonder how time has gone by while I was putting my head down and working my ass off.

I really can’t believe that seven years have gone by with some of these friends. Although we do not in as close contact as we used to, we still are reachable and know how to get each other via email, text messages and phone calls. SAD :-(


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