Taking A Beauty Course | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Taking A Beauty Course

Just last month, I was contemplating if I should go back to school. I consulted a couple of close friends and one told me to go for it, but for an MBA course, and one told me to put myself through it, so that I will not be indebted to someone else. I have thought long and hard about it and have decided to put myself, not through a degree or MBA course, but through a beauty school. I believe this would help me in the future, even though I may not be using my new found skills to make a living.

I am going to look for Beauty Schools once I could free up some time and current commitments. I wish that there is a website that I could do it with local beauty schools, just like FindABeautySchool, which is an online directory of all major beauty schools in the United States, with course information and contact details. Is there something like this here?


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