Natural Sweeteners | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Natural Sweeteners

I have a bad family health history whereby both my maternal and paternal grandparents suffered from diabetes. My maternal grandfather had it so bad that he had a leg amputated and his eyesight was affected as well. I was a young teenager back then and even though the one suffering was not me, it was very traumatic for me.

Since then, my family no longer consumes commercial sugar at home but only natural sweeteners. Even so, this doesn't mean that our food is totally free from sugar. They are still sweet when they should be, but they are just not as harmful as the white sugar that most households use.

I was told of Emerald Forest sweeteners today, which is the kind of sweeteners that I am currently using but I have to admit that I have never tried Emerald Forest before. Besides natural sweeteners, Emerald Forest also produces gums, mints and candies which are great for people who have a craving for sweets but would not have the same ill effects on our teeth!

Of course, when I eat out, I can’t avoid the kind of sugar I am taking but I take precautions when I can. When it comes to food, it’s easy to consume but almost impossible to remove from our body. Don’t you think so too?


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