Gem Of Life ep. 39 Is OUT! Woohhhooooo | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Gem Of Life ep. 39 Is OUT! Woohhhooooo

I really did not expect an episode of The Gem of Life today but out it came just when I wasn't expecting it. I tell you, I have been so busy for the past few days that I don't even have time to miss these dramas but once I found some free time, I walloped them all that were waiting for me. LOL

What do you think of The Gem of Life up till now? I haven't yet watch Gem of Life ep.39 but will soon get down to it after lunch afterwards. No, I will not take a nap until I have finished it.

You know, I felt that for the past few episodes of The Gem of Life, I felt that the pace has slowed a little and it was getting boring, especially the scene with Martin being confronted by Jessica about vasectomy.

Haihhhh so many episodes didn't watch Terrence already!!!! Can you believe that the dork that Moses Chan was in Heart of Greed is now this sophisticated guy in The Gem of Life? LOL He's a good actor!

If you haven’t, go download Gem of Life episode 39 right now. Yes, I prefer to download dramas instead of live streaming. The buffering could kill me, man!!!

OK, OK, I’m going to lunch now!!!


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