Managing Debt Better | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Managing Debt Better

Many of my friends have one form of debt or another. It’s common if we want to purchase things like a home or car which would put us into debt for at least six years for a car and up to thirty years for a home.

Some of my friends are worse. They have lots of credit card debts too and on the verge of declaring bankrupt! I find that it’s a pity because they are still young and have a bright future ahead of them if not for their debt!

Getting into debt is really easy but managing it is a difficult learning process. Consumer Education Services Inc., or better known as CESI, is a non-profit organization that tries to instill better Debt Management us with making daily financial decisions that would slowly but surely get us out of debt and lead a financially stress-free life.


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