The Gem Of Life Is Getting Pretty Boring Already | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, December 19, 2008

The Gem Of Life Is Getting Pretty Boring Already

That's what I feared when I started watching The Gem of Life; that it was slow to a drag with 82 freaking episodes. We are now down to The Gem of Life ep. 42; waiting for ep. 43 tonight, and I have to say that I do not look forward to a new episode as I used to earlier.

Maybe this slow stretch is like the eye of the storm, where there is a quiet interval and then the storyline picks up again. Well, I don't think the storyline is all that bad but they could have at least move at a faster pace, right? I am not sure if I were the only person who thinks so but this is what I am feeling at this point of the drama.

Maybe it's all good because it's the end of the year already and I have 101 things to do. I have so many emails that I need to reply to and I should sit down and do it without distractions one day. I feel awful that some of these letters arrived over a year ago! Urghhhh I am so bad.


Anonymous said...

long episode drama is like that one

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