Who Else Is Interested In Modded Autos? | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, June 27, 2008

Who Else Is Interested In Modded Autos?

Did you attend the Super GT over last weekend? I tell you, living in Ipoh is not fun when I miss all these excitement! Yes, I love cars. Don't be surprised. Cars are no longer exclusively a male passion!

Well, for people like me who always are left out of the happening auto events in the city, we will have to rely on the internet, reading the latest and greatest on an Auto Blog like Modded Autos.

If you love cars but hate the smell of fuel, this is the place to go to see plenty of photos of exotic super cars!

Also, you can exchange views and socialize with people who share the same interest as you in the discussion board of Modded Autos at http://www.moddedautos.com/forums/. This would be a great place to share photos of your ride as well!


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