My Cousin's Daughter Washed Her Mobile Phone | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

My Cousin's Daughter Washed Her Mobile Phone

A few months ago, my cousin's daughter, Wei Wei, was screaming for a mobile phone. She's only 12 this year and at the stage where what her friends have, she also must have.

If you remember, she lives with her grandparents and two uncles, who are single. Since she lost her mother a few years ago, everyone indulges on her big time.

Anyway, I told them not to buy her such an expensive phone because she would not know how to take care of it and even if she has all the phone features in the world, she would not know how to make full use of the features.

So they settled on a RM500 phone for her. Heh... that's not the end of the story. They had to top up her prepaid credit often as well because she does not know how to control her outgoing calls and SMS messages!

The other day, she went to a relative's house for holiday and put her clothes out to be laundered, forgetting that she has her phone in the pocket. Well, the maid did not check the pockets before putting the clothes into the machine so that's the end of the story of the few months old phone.

Now that the mobile phone could not be repaired, she wants to buy a new one and not no, a basic mobile phone will not do. She wants one as good as, or even better, and more expensive, than her first mobile phone. SIGH!!! Kids these days ......


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