Money Flowing OUT | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Money Flowing OUT

Even before I had the chance to break even for the month, well, if you have read my other blog, you will know that my home got struck by lightning. The telephone line went dead, the two network cards of my two computers went dead and my wi-fi router was dead too which means to say that I have to spend money replacing my network cards. These are cheap at RM25 each only but I have to replace both and that means RM50 gone just like that.

As for the wi-fi router, I sent it in to claim warranty but I am not sure if I could get it since it was killed by lightning, which may not be covered by warranty. Whatever, if they do not replace it then I would have to buy it and that will be another RM160 gone.

Lucky thing was that I did not need to pay for my phone line to be replaced!


Anonymous said...

Ya, I saw the post you said about your pc strike by lightning. I don't think they'll be replacing your router since it's strike by lightning and not manufacture defection. Unless your router is half spoiled then maybe they won't know it's strike by lightning.

Em said...


Yes, I know but I'll still wait for their reply first.

If I need to buy, then I'd rather put that on next month's budget. SIGH!

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