Lifestyle Changes | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Lifestyle Changes

Is anyone going through drastic lifestyle changes to be able to absorb the ridiculously high fuel prices? Two weeks since the increase in petrol and diesel prices, I have not adopted a change. This is not because I earn so much that I do not mind the increase in expenditure or that I am unperturbed by the escalating household expenses since I am the sole financial supporter of my family.

However, we are already only using the bare necessities and if I were to reduce my bills further, it would mean having to disconnect my Astro, Streamyx, 3G and mobile subscription and home phone line but I absolutely need these to cari makan.

So, are people cutting down on anything at all? Is there anything to cut down on? It is very disturbing indeed and to think that fuel price will go as high as RM4 per litre?!?


PureGlutton said...

No, i have not made a single lifestyle adjustment, altho i think i shd change my Astro package to a smaller one becoz as it is, i hardly watch Astro. Shd also cut down on aircond (thats the electricity guzzler!) but then the darn weather has been so hot of late - how to not have aircond lah?

Em said...

Ya loh.. already using minimum of everything. My Astro is just the basic RM49.90 per month and I only subscribed to it just so that I will have a bill with my name and home address as an official supporting document.

Maybe must live in darkness and walk everywhere to save more $$.

eibla said...

Already hide at home a lot. Now i guess i'll just move into a cave.

Em said...


You can move to Perak now. Plenty to caves to hide in!

eibla said...

Ler.. cannot la.. Remember how high maintenance the Perak girls are? :P

Em said...

OOPS! You got me there!

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