In Vitro Diagnostic Tests for Cancer Slated To Hit US$8 billion by 2012 | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

In Vitro Diagnostic Tests for Cancer Slated To Hit US$8 billion by 2012

The other day, when I wrote on the newly released results of a sex survey, everyone was so interested. Today, I got to know of a new report that says that the global market for in vitro diagnostic tests that is used to test for cancer will grow by more than 10% a year until it hits US$8 billion by 2012. I feel that this report is way more important than the sex survey results to go download the report and read what it is all about.

Cancer is a threat to humankind and I read an old report in 2005 that says that every year, one in four Europeans dies from a form of cancer or another and I believe that now we are in 2008 already, with changes in lifestyle, diet and the environment, death from cancer is way higher. European countries and the United States are very scientifically, technologically and medically advanced country and yet they have such a high percentage of mortality rate from cancer.

The key to fighting combat is actually early detection. With the advancement of medicine and science, people should be educated on the ways to test for cancer and these should be made easily available and more affordable to the masses. In fact, some kinds of cancer testing should be made compulsory and offered free to the community as well.

Does it not scare you that here we are, already half the year into 2008, and there is still not a cure for any form of cancer? In 1988, cancer claimed my maternal grandmother and yet again cancer claimed a dear friend in 2006. Will there ever be a breakthrough miracle cure before 2012? Let's hope so, let's pray so.

While most of us are of no help at all when it comes to actually searching for a cure for cancer, I think all of us can contribute towards this cause by creating awareness and participating in cancer awareness campaigns or something similar.
Global Market for In Vitro Diagnostic Tests for Cancer to hit $8 billion by 2012, says New Report

Report Buyer, the online destination for business intelligence for major industry sectors, has added a new report showing that the world market for in vitro diagnostic (IVD) tests for cancer is growing at nearly 11% annually and could reach nearly $8 billion by the end of 2012.

“The Worldwide Market for Cancer Diagnostics: 3rd Edition”, which is available at reports that in addition to demographic and epidemiologic shifts, the cancer testing market is being driven by a number of advances in traditional technologies, biomarker development, and new clinical priorities.

According to the authors, the increased level of cancer screening, a public health priority as well as a healthcare cost priority, continues to drive some basic testing techniques such as fecal occult blood testing. Advances in pharmacodiagnostic technologies, aimed at refining treatment options and genetic and molecular tests to determine tumour growth pathways in the evaluation of patients at risk, are creating exciting opportunities for research development and offer the potential to open new market niches.

In addition to technology, the report notes that the emergence of the new paradigm that views cancer as a chronic disease has also been a boon for IVD developers. With advances in early screening and improved therapeutics, there is more need for cancer management and monitoring tests.

The report includes market size and growth forecasts to 2012; market segmentations by cancer type, IVD discipline, and geography; extensive discussions of technology development and penetration; and profiles of over 150 companies active in the segment.

“The Worldwide Market for Cancer Diagnostics: 3rd Edition” is available from Report Buyer. For more information go to:

Report Buyer product ID: KAL00058

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