Toong - Winter Solstice | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, December 21, 2007

Toong - Winter Solstice

Tomorrow is Toong, where Westerners know it as Winter Solstice. It is supposed to be the longest day of the whole day and also the birthday of a Chinese God. Did you notice that even though we do not have winter here in Malaysia, the weather here is cooler too. I know there's plenty of rain and it's bringing the temperature down but still it's not that we get the rain daily, at least not that I noticed anymore.

According to Yahoo weather forecast, which I use, my cow town, Ipoh, is only 25 degrees Celsius while Kuala Lumpur is at 27 degrees Celsius with rain. It's only cloudy in Ipoh. In my sister's city somewhere in Tennessee, the temperature there is 11 degrees Celsius while in New York, where Paul is, it is only 4 degrees Celsius.

According to this weather prediction, there will be rain for the entire week in Ipoh and Kuala Lumpur. Blekkkkkk

Oh, by the way, I have already walloped a bowl of Tong Yuen. Have you?


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