Our Differing Taste Buds | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Our Differing Taste Buds

It is amazing how our taste buds differ from one person to another. I mean, whether a dish is delicious or not depend entirely on the buds on our tongue and what I like may not be what you like.

A friend of mine loves to drink berry or currant drinks but I don't really like that because I find berries a little sourish and that sure makes my eyes close when drinking it! My friend says I am weird to NOT like berries but then he can’t expect all of us to love what he does, right?

My favorite food flavourings would have to be anything that tastes and smells like chocolate. I know I am not alone in this, except that I have to make sure not to give any to my pets, though I am sure that chocolate if the favorite of many people!

I think that with the help of research and technology, there are many more food flavourings in the market compared to five years ago. Just look at the Bubble Tea that originated from Taiwan. There are just so many different flavors to choose from I think that we could drink a glass a day with a different flavouring for two weeks. We will never be bored drinking it!


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