What Time Is It Now? | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, September 08, 2007

What Time Is It Now?

Well, it's Saturday morning almost 4am and what I am doing still up? It's hard to work when the pages are not loading. I don't know what is wrong because the internet has been crap for the past few days and my Celcom line not crap, it's not connecting AT ALL. I called them up and they say that all is fine. But then why are my lines like that?

I probably should be in bed. It has be a very long day and I am fed up with the perpetual spinning of the "page loading in progress" of my FireFox. It's weird, I feel so tired that I have never been this bright eyed before at this hour of the morning but I'd probably be sleeping like a pig again tomorrow lol

But Saturday is still a work day for me. Heck, even Sunday is! And pity those jealous pots who think that we are having it easy! Cheh!


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