Orrr See Also NO Time | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, September 21, 2007

Orrr See Also NO Time

At the pace I am going, I wonder how long I will last. A few years ago, I was already screaming "Shit also no time!" and my friend, Warren, would laugh at me and say, "One day, I am going to live with you to see what you are so busy about and how does it look like to "shit also no time!"." haha... He should see me now. The past few years were mild. This one is severe constipation!

My Uncle, who was the dean of studies in one of the leading local universities used to tell us that he is so busy, he doesn't even have time to shit and we went like, "Like this also can meh???"

But I was young and ignorant. Now, I know that yes, it is possible to be THAT busy. Luckily, I am not someone who needs to shit daily. I told a friend of mine that I could go on a 4X4 expedition and come home without even shitting. Hahaha it's not possible, of course, but it's the metaphor of it!


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