Online Shopping Made Easy | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, September 21, 2007

Online Shopping Made Easy

I think one of my vices is shopping online. Although I do not normally buy things when I go to the mall, browsing though online stores is a greater temptation. I make up for my expenses by using coupon codes and try my best to only buy during promotions.

If you think that online shopping is easy, well, if you are always on the lookout for special deals then it is hard work. You would have to go to coupon sites, go to different online stores, check out eBay, Lelong, Amazon and what not to see if they are selling the same item at a cheaper price even after you have applied the code, check if the item is new or used, genuine or not.... phew, the list goes on!

Today, I just discovered a shopping comparison and review site called Mpire. This is a site that is a blessing to all of us shopaholics! It is like a product search engine, comparing the price of our item from major online retailers and auction sites. With each product, we will be able to view the average price in the past month, see the estimate price trend to understand if it is going up or down and to compare the price that is it currently being retailed at and the price it is in an auction on eBay, for example.

I gave it a run with the keyword "Clinique" and would say that it is time-saving and hassle-free. No longer do I need to open up ten browser windows just to search for an item and compare the price and condition. Mpire is going to help me and fellow shopaholics make more informed purchase decisions. And I like it!


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