No More Joy | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Thursday, September 06, 2007

No More Joy

You know, it is hard to bring up the joy of writing sponsored posts in a certain marketplace. It was bad enough that I was targeted by certain quarters fueled by jealousy, it was bad enough that international bloggers are sidelined. I swear I really do see the point that advertisers need to target their specific market. And just a couple of weeks, I really believed that the company cares.

I swear I do understand the rationale of having an original post in between ALL sponsored content. It is not as if I am not up to it because I don't really have that many sponsored posts to write except for a certain day of the week. However, like I mentioned in an earlier post about not positing for 24 hours, I hate the feeling of being told what I can post and when I can post it. I hate the feeling of having to double check if I already have an original post in place before I take up an opportunity with any company.

Does anyone understand the feeling of guilt implanted into us, at all? The threats about suspensions and bans are ever so real and it is all the more crippling when you REALLY NEED THE MONEY. It's like if you just made a mistake of posting your drafts at the wrong time, you feel damn guilty about correcting it to the current time because at the back of your mind, you think that you have violated some company's terms of service that is growing increasingly long with every month.

What can I say? We are damn lucky to be even TOLD of the changes.


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